
Exposé en anglais / Talk in english A simple greedy procedure shows that the chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G$ is upper bounded by $\Delta(G)

Consider a graph G with a path P of order n. What conditions force G to also have a long induced path? In this talk, we will propose a new way to

Exposé en anglais / Talk in english There are various parameters used to measure the complexity of posets (partially ordered sets), and many

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Soutenance de thèse / PhD. Defense [Timothée Corsini] (LaBRI) Vérifiez que vous êtes bien inscrits sur le site du [gdr-ifm-gt-graphes] : [ https:/

Phylogenetic networks are directed graphs used to represent evolutionary histories in the presence of events in which several entities may combine to

We propose a model for recoverable robust optimization with commitment. Given a combinatorial optimization problem and uncertainty about elements that

In computational biology, phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary histories, their reconstruction from data, their comparison, and interaction

/Talk in french/Exposé en français/ Les graphes fonctionnels sont des graphes dont chaque sommet a un degré sortant exactement égal à 1, et sont ainsi

Ultrametrics are representations of data that emphasize hierarchical properties and are widely used in data visualization and clustering. In the