
[gt.go] - "Limits of Latin squares" by Frederik Garbe

(Uniquement en présentiel / Only offline, no online version)

We introduce a limit theory for Latin squares, paralleling the recent limit theories of dense graphs and permutations. We define a notion of density, an appropriate version of the cut distance, and a space of limit objects – so-called Latinons. Key results of our theory are the compactness of the limit space and the equivalence of the topologies induced by the cut distance and the left-convergence. Last, using Keevash's recent results on combinatorial designs, we prove that each Latinon can be approximated by a finite Latin square.

This is joint work with Robert Hancock, Jan Hladký and Maryam Sharifzadeh.

[Frederik Garbe] (Masaryk University)


Remarks / Remarques

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LaBRI (178)