
Combinatorics and Algorithms
Graphs and Optimization

Contact information:
LaBRI - Office 356
05 40 00 35 00


I am currently an ATER (research and teacher assistant) at University of Bordeaux. I recently obtained my PhD, which I did at LaBRI and University of Bordeaux under the supervision of Marthe Bonamy, Paul Dorbec and Cyril Gavoille. You can find here the manuscript, and here the slides of the defense. I am interested in graph theory and combinatorial reconfiguration. Before that, I obtained a Master's degree in Theoretical computer science from the University of Bordeaux in September 2017. For more information, you can download a short version of my curriculum vitæ (in English).


List of publications

  1. Reconfiguration of Spanning Trees with Degree Constraint or Diameter Constraint.N. Bousquet, T. Ito, Y. Kobayashi, H. Mizuta, P. Ouvrard, A. Suzuki, K. Wasa.
    in STACS'22, (see also on arXiv).

  2. Linear transformations between dominating sets in the TAR-model.N. Bousquet, A. Joffard, P. Ouvrard.
    in ISAAC'20, (see also on arXiv).

  3. Reconfiguration of Spanning Trees with Many or Few Leaves.N. Bousquet, T. Ito, Y. Kobayashi, H. Mizuta, P. Ouvrard, A. Suzuki, K. Wasa.
    in ESA'20, (see also on arXiv).

  4. Decremental Optimization of Dominating Sets Under the Reconfiguration Framework.A. Blanché, H. Mizuta, P. Ouvrard, A. Suzuki.
    in IWOCA'20, (see also on arXiv).

  5. Dominating sets reconfiguration under token sliding.M. Bonamy, P. Dorbec, P. Ouvrard.
    in Discrete Applied Mathematics, (see also on arXiv).

  6. Distributed recoloring.M. Bonamy, P. Ouvrard, M. Rabie, J. Suomela, J. Uitto.
    in DISC'18, (see also on arXiv).


  1. Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (Brussels, November 2019) 3-recoloration distribuée dans les arbres.

  2. Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (Grenoble, November 2018) Prix de la connexité pour le problème de domination.

  3. DATCORE meeting (Lyon, July 2018) Dominating sets reconfiguration under token sliding.

  4. ICGT (Lyon, July 2018) The price of connectivity for domination.

  5. Graphs and matroids seminar (Waterloo, June 2018) The price of connectivity for domination.

  6. ANR DESCARTES meeting (Paris, March 2018) Distributed recoloring.

  7. Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (Bordeaux, November 2017) Reconfiguration d'ensembles dominants par token sliding.

  8. 26th British combinatorial conference (Glasgow, July 2017) Reconfiguring dominating sets under token sliding.

Other research activities


Since 2017, I have taught approximately 382 hours, in various fields of computer science. For the academic year 2021/2022, I mainly teach at the computer science department of the University of Bordeaux. More precisely, I teach the following courses:

  • Projet technologique L1 , L1. TD/TP.
  • Applied algorithmics , M2. TP. [project webpage]
  • Informatique (UF Économie, AES, Gestion) , L3. TD;
  • Programmation C , L2 Math-Info. Cours intégré et TD;
  • Algorithmique des graphes , L3. TD;
  • Projets technologiques , L2. TP.

For the academic year 2020/2021, I taught at the computer science department of the University of Bordeaux. More precisely, I taught the following courses:

  • Gestion des données (UF Économie, AES, Gestion) , L3. TD;
  • Initiation à la programmation C , L1. Cours intégré et TD;
  • Algorithmique des graphes , L3. TD;
  • Algorithmique des structures de données élémentaires , L2. TD;
  • Programmation Orientée Objet , L3. TD machine.
  • Calculabilité et Complexité , M1. TD.

For the academic year 2019/2020, I taught at the computer science department of the University of Bordeaux. More precisely, I taught the following courses:

  • Techniques algorithmiques et programmation , L3. TD et TP;
  • Algorithmique des structures de données élémentaires , L2. TP;
  • Initiation à l'informatique , L1. Cours intégré.

For the academic year 2018/2019, I taught at the computer science department of the University of Bordeaux. More precisely, I taught the following courses:

  • Techniques algorithmiques et programmation , L3. TD et TP;
  • Initiation à l'informatique , L1. Cours intégré.

For the academic year 2017/2018, I taught at the University Institute of Technology in Computer Science. More precisely, I taught the following courses:

  • ACSI Méthodes systémiques (DUT2). Cours intégré;
  • Programmation orientée objet (DUT1). TP;
  • Conception orientée objet (DUT1). Cours intégré.