Drawing on a community of researchers and artists, SCRIME provides the scientific and cultural community with an offer of R&D services in sound and music sciences and techniques, artistic creation in the field of music and performing arts, facilities, training and cultural and artistic education at all levels and for all audiences.

The SCRIME was set up by the LaBRI. Its objective is to provide researchers and artists with an integrated set of complex hardware and software tools for scientific and artistic experimentation.

Field of expertise: calculation and writing of sound, time and music, management and piloting of multimedia scenarios in all fields of performing arts and sciences, museography, robotics, proximity or collaborative network interactions.

More information on SCRIME :







PlaFRIM is a scientific instrument designed to support experiment-driven research in all areas of applied mathematics related to modeling and high performance computing.  It provides many standard and accelerator nodes (Cascade Lake, Haswell, Ivybridge, Xeon Phi, KNL, NVDIA GPUs) and is open for all Inria and partners members.

More information on PLaFRIM :


The platform Labs in the Sky with Data (LSD) is a research platform opened for the research community of the University of Bordeaux. Its purpose is twoflod:
    - a large data storage and computing platform leveraging the Hadoop stack allowing users to store/analyse/visualise large scale datasets.
    - a virtualised computing resource service, providing users with virtual private servers.

More information on LSD: