Head of : Marthe Bonamy 

Equity, diversity and inclusion play important roles in the development of quality knowledge.
quality knowledge. Several actions are being taken within LaBRI to address these issues in the lab:

- A charter describes the work environment that we, the members of LaBRI, wish to promote. This document, with an educational vocation, aims on the one hand, to make each and everyone aware of
This document is intended to make everyone aware of the existence of undesirable situations and behaviors, and to help them question their own behavior.
LaBRI Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Charter, is available on this page.

- The LaBRI proposes a mentoring for all by more experienced staff in order to bring a complementary experience and advice independent of any hierarchical link.

- The LaBRI organizes lunchtime discussions, seminars and poster campaigns on issues of parity and equity, and gender-based violence.

- Members of the LaBRI are involved in the "Moi informaticienne, moi mathématicienne" project, which offers young high school and college girls the opportunity to discover training, research and careers in these two disciplines during a week of school vacations. This project received the "Coup de cœur" award from the Talents U of the year 2022.

- The LaBRI supports the resumption of research activities after interruptions in activity.