Environmental impact

The environmental theme has been structured in recent years at the LaBRI. First of all by setting up a working group since 2019, bringing together around fifteen people. This working group has been supplemented by the LaBRI's "Societal Issues" commission, of which the environmental impact is one of the focal points.
The objectives are multiple. Firstly, to take stock of the laboratory's activities, in order to be able to identify their main environmental impacts. At the same time, to make the members of the laboratory aware of the environmental impact of their research, and to lead a reflection on the subject. This could lead to the drafting of a good practice guide or charter at the laboratory level. Finally, regular monitoring should make it possible to measure the laboratory's progress in this field.
The main aspects addressed are as follows:

  • travel, in particular missions;
  • equipment, whether it is the impact of the purchase of new equipment, the consumption of the various servers, or the end of life of the equipment;
  • the buildings, in conjunction with the university's property management department;
  • the dissemination of knowledge, via in-house training and awareness-raising, the link with initiatives at different levels: university, national (ecoInfo, labo1.5), and teaching.