Stage MIMM

To encourage young girls in 9th and 10th grade to choose mathematics and computer science, a free internship at the University of Bordeaux allows them to discover training, research and jobs in these two disciplines.

The MIMM project, "Moi informaticienne, moi mathématicienne", was initiated in 2019 by colleagues from the UF of Mathematics & Interaction/IMB on the one hand, and UF Computer Science/LaBRI on the other.

Its objective is to help young girls in third and second grade to go to higher education in computer science or mathematics, without censoring themselves.
The project proposes a week of immersion at the university. It will host approximately 45 students from April 19 to 22, 2022.
It is based on varied, accessible and motivating activities, all offered by women:

    - 15-hour introductory research or programming workshops (50% in math and 50% in computer science),
    - scientific conferences,
    - presentations of various career paths, in which computer science or mathematics are involved,
    - speed-research" workshops, allowing informal discussions between these young girls and female undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, teacher-researchers or women working in companies.

The week ends with a half-day of restitution, in the presence of teachers.

Finally, the project is intended to be sustainable and to develop, by progressively welcoming more participants (up to 120 in 2025), and from various geographical origins.

Some useful links:
Fondation Blaise Pascal
Académie Nouvelle Aquitaine
Université de Bordeaux
