Palmes académiques

New Palmes académiques at the LaBRI

Olivier Baudon and Serge Chaumette were both awarded the Palmes académiques, with the rank of chevalier. The official medal ceremony will take place in 2024 (date to be announced).


Dating back to 1808, the Palmes académiques were introduced by Napoleon 1st. They are the oldest civilian awards.
Since 1866, this distinction, since then reserved for teachers, has been extended to non-teaching staff who have rendered outstanding services to education.
By decree 1955 of October 4th,  President René Coty established the Ordre des Palmes académiques as we know it today, with the grades of knight, officer and commander.

The Palmes thus honour merit, important services rendered and the exceptional contribution of staff.

During 2024, staff from the University of Bordeaux who have been newly appointed or promoted to the Palmes académiques will be honoured. Among them, Olivier Baudon and Serge Chaumette will officially receive their insignia [date to be announced].