Journée du patrimoine

On the weekend of 16 and 17 September, as part of the Journées du Patrimoine and Matrimoine 2023, SCRIME will be taking part in "La Nuit des Escaliers". Organised by the Opéra National de Bordeaux, "La Nuit des Escaliers" is a musical tour of various venues in Bordeaux.

In several staircases in Bordeaux, music in all its forms takes over these magical spaces that are staircases: monumental staircases, secret staircases, staircases with double revolution... For an evening, they become real resonant spaces to welcome different forms of music (classical music, electronic music, improvised music). The University of Bordeaux invites you to discover its architectural heritage at the heart of the Legal and Judicial Centre, through an original arts-sciences-society program designed with the SCRIME.

Free admission.

Find out more here.