The SCRIME has just been labeled as a Platform of the University of Bordeaux.

Relying on a community of researchers and artists, the SCRIME (Studio de Création et de Recherche en Informatique et Musiques Expérimentales) provides the scientific and cultural community with a range of research and development services in the sciences, techniques and arts of sound and music that can be applied to the needs of the performing arts by now integrating image. The SCRIME, set up by the LaBRI, aims to provide researchers and artists with an integrated set of complex hardware and software tools for scientific and artistic experimentation.
Its numerous activities, such as hosting Arts & Sciences residencies, organizing scientific and artistic events and educational activities, have enabled it to be labeled a Research Platform of the University of Bordeaux and to join the federation of its platforms as of this September.
To learn more about our expertise and services, here.