Here are some of the good practices for the LaBRI concerning IT support services

Requests for assignment of Materials

Arrival of staff

  • Fill in FASCIL if you would like financial support from the laboratory for standard computer equipment.

Excluding staff arrivals

  • if you do not have funding, but have a particular equipment need for your research, make a special request to the management (the management will decide according to your resources)


Departure of staff

  • Transfer the useful data and have the rights to the resources transferred to your authorized laboratory staff before you or your staff leave.

  • Bring back or declare the end of the use of an item of equipment, its identification and location. 


Purchase of materials

Computer access

  • The application for a computer account is subject to administrative registration at the laboratory.


an email address associated with the LaBRI is not automatic and is not the norm for a certain number of non-permanent staff: guest trainees,...

Maintaining a computer access account at the LaBRI
maintenance beyond the legal dates is subject to validation by the director and until a given date

Computer requests

Wifi networks

  • No wilderness wifi hotspots. The available radio channels are limited.

White Network

Use of printers

  • You must stop shaking the toners when they reach the end of their life. Many printers are filled with toner where it shouldn't be. This, apart from endangering the integrity of the wearer's clothing, impairs the proper functioning of these printers, leading to possible breakdowns or endless cleaning sessions.