Team leaders : Réveillère Laurent

The Progress team conducts research on the development and implementation of software systems composed of several entities that can be autonomous and that evolve in complex environments. Such systems can exist at a global scale (that of the Internet, notably with web systems or the large networks of the future), at a microscopic scale (at the level of a machine and its operating system), or an intermediate scale (notably with swarms of drones or intelligent vehicles). 

A particularity of the Progress team is that it carries out finalized research in the sense that the main objective is the implementation of systems in real conditions. This objective often requires, beyond the theoretical aspects, the exploitation of a scientific approach, including simulation, emulation, test, and even evaluation methodologies in real conditions. This also requires relying on application domains (video broadcasting on-demand or live, eCommerce applications, air surveillance systems, intelligent transportation, etc.) to reveal the targeted issues.

Related topics :

  • Virtual networks and new generation networks;
  • Autonomous communicating and resilient systems;
  • Security, privacy and cyber resilience;
  • Control of software evolution.