Team leader : Aurélie Bugeau (co-team leader Gaël Guennebaud)
NeS stands for “Numérique et Soutenabilité”. This computer science team aims to enlighten societal choices regarding environnemental issues, resilience and equity of the society. The team is organized along three axes:
- Using digital technology to support the transition to strong sustainability
- Understanding and promoting understanding of the socio-environmental impacts of digital technology
- Teaching transitions
In particular, the team aims to propose and improve impact assessment methodologies. The team strives to address this general question through adequate mathematical models, dynamic simulations, scenarisation, real experimentations and interactive presentations.
- Related topics :
- Sustainable ICT
- Systemic modeling
- Foresight and scenarization
- Data visualization
- Main fields of application:
- AI
- Digital infrastructures (networks, HPC, etc.)
- Agricultural models
- Education