Guillaume Lagarde has been appointed by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) to work alongside Hugo Gimbert and Gabriel Bathie on the development of the MPS (MonProjetSup) recommendation engine.

MonProjetSup (MPS) is a tool developed to help high school students build their career plans from the second to the final year, with personalized suggestions based on their profiles and preferences. Accessible via Onisep's Avenir(s) platform, and currently being tested in 100 high schools, MPS will be deployed in all French high schools by December 2024. This collaborative project, initiated by Hugo Gimbert and David Auber, with the support of MESR, mobilizes experts, teachers, students and academic teams to integrate recent and evolving data from Parcoursup and Onisep. Guillaume Lagarde contributes to the development of the suggestion algorithm, ensuring its relevance and transparency, open code and explainable models.