
These "meetings for cyber-responsible students" offer an insight into the state of the cyber-security threat.
They also aim to inform students about the technological challenges and career opportunities offered by the boom in cyber security.
Staff from higher education and research establishments are also welcome to attend.

Presentations will be given by :

- Toufik Ahmed, professor at ENSEIRB-MATMECA - Bordeaux INP, holder of the "Cyber Resilience of Digital Infrastructures" chair
- Olivier Grall, Deputy Director of the Regional Campus for Cybersecurity and Digital Confidence in New Aquitaine
- Laurent Bodard, Business Development Manager Cyber, Capgemini
- Sébastien Peyrard, Digital Documentary Mediation Officer, Documentation Department, Université de Bordeaux
- Martin Veron, Digital Security Delegate for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI)

After the presentations, all participants will be invited to come and have a coffee in the ENSEIRB-MATMECA Engineering Space.

A more detailed announcement is available here.

Grand amphi Enseirb-Matmeca