HDR Romain Pacanowski

HDR defence of Romain Pacanowski (I&S department)

Although the computer-generated images that surround us (special effects, video games, advertising, etc.) often appear plausible, even realistic, they rarely offer physical guarantees and cannot be used for predictive purposes, which is necessary in the field of architecture or in the production of manufactured objects.

During this defence, I will present my contributions around the three main axes of my research activities
of my research activities:

- Acquisition and measurement of the various quantities involved in appearance (form, light and matter) in order to ensure that the models developed are consistent with the reality of physical phenomena;

- Modelling and representation of the quantities involved in rendering algorithms;

- Improving algorithms and techniques for simulating light transport.

I will conclude by outlining the future research directions that I intend to explore in the coming years.

Inria (Salle Ada Lovelace)