
Mohamed Mosbah's seminar. Title of his presentation: "Introduction to intelligent transport systems".

Heavy traffic, traffic jams and deteriorating journey times are the daily lot of many users in major cities. Mobility is a recurring topic in the news, because of its importance for all citizens, but also because of its complexity. In this context, new forms of mobility, increasingly connected and intelligent, seem to be essential. We are talking about intelligent transport systems. This presentation will take stock of information and communication technologies and their application to transport systems. These new technologies (connected objects, intelligent sensors, algorithms, etc.) will considerably improve transport conditions over the next few years and will help to reduce pollutant emissions, improve transport safety, improve traffic flow, develop new user services and, more generally, improve the quality of life, particularly in city centres. A state of the art report and some of the research carried out as part of the 'Intelligent Mobility and Transport' chair will be presented.

Amphi LaBRI