
Wei Chen PhD thesis

Wei Chen (SeD department, Progress team) will submit his thesis entitled: “Web test evolution continued”

Developers are increasingly relying on End To End (E2E) testing to test the Web applications they develop and to verify that they are bug-free from the end user's perspective. An E2E test simulates the actions performed by the user with their browser and verifies that the web application returns the expected output. It considers a Web application to be a black box, and only knows what the user's actions are and what their expected outputs are. However, once some changes are made to a web application, the user's actions may change (move the button to another location, add a new button or delete a button). As a result, the E2E test needs to evolve with the evolution of web applications, such as repairing the broken test, adding the new test, and deleting the obsolete test. But it takes a lot of time to evolve E2E tests, especially for large web applications. As such, we perform a systematic mapping study to evaluate the existing literature to find gaps in the web test suite. We then present an approach, named WebTestSuiteRepair (WTSR), to help developers facing broken test scripts. In this thesis, WTSR aims to compare test suite graphs to repair broken actions, thus helping to efficiently repair E2E tests of web applications automatically. This approach has been validated by several case studies. We describe some future work to improve our solution and some research problems that our approaches can target.

Virtual webconference: https://u-bordeaux-fr.zoom.us/j/83999222354?pwd=VzJxdTZxYXRjYnZadVVXZ0NUalcvQT09

Virtual PhD thesis