
Seven IT start-ups are the direct result of research projects carried out by LaBRI researchers. IQSPOT : Automatic reading and real-time analysis of
Adrien Cassagne will defend his thesis entitled: "Optimization and parallelization methods for Software Defined Radio".
At the end of the summer period, from 2023, August 28th to September 01st, the M2F department is organising the MFCS - 48th International Symposium on
On November 20th, at 2pm (amphi LaBRI), Loann Giovannangeli will present his thesis: « Generation and Evaluation of Visualizations with Automated
Who hasn't dreamed of diving into the memory of the oceans, playing soccer with robots, or discovering the secrets of industrial espionage? The CNRS
Aurélie Bugeau is a laureate of the IUF for the Innovation Chair. As a reminder: the IUF's mission is to promote the development of high-level
The NUMERICS seminar, a transdisciplinary seminar on scientific culture and the societal challenges of digital technology, will take place in the
Yvan Le Borgne will be giving a seminar. The title of his talk: "On classical and quantum walks in welded trees" – Part 2
The NUMERICS seminar, a transdisciplinary seminar on scientific culture and the societal issues of the Digital Age, will take place in the LaBRI
Myriam Lopez, I&S department (TAD team), will submit her thesis entitled: "Critical error prediction in an industrial application"