
Dimitrios Mitsios’s seminar

The main goal of this talk is to present a new formula that computes Kontsevich-Witten intersection numbers and its application in proving the ELO conjecture. We will begin by introducing Kontsevich-Witten intersection numbers and their connection to the KdV equation. Then, the notion of determinantal formulas and the role of the Airy function will be discussed. Following this, we will present the new formula along with its proof and properties. It involves summations over partitions of products of factorials and Kostka numbers (numbers of semi-standard tableaux of given shape and weight) with bounded weights. Finally, the application of this formula in proving the ELO conjecture will be presented. The conjecture, now a theorem, states that the generating polynomials of the intersection numbers expressed in the basis of elementary symmetric polynomials have an unexpected vanishing of their coefficients.

This is joint work with Bertrand Eynard.


Salle 76