
Myriam Lopez, I&S department (TAD team), will submit her thesis entitled: "Critical error prediction in an industrial application"
Philippe Pérez de San Roman (PhD student in the I&S department, TAD team) will present his thesis entitled: "3D detection for mixed reality in
All LaBRI departments have research collaborations with industrialists. This partnership research is carried out with both large industrial groups and
The LaBRI has numerous structuring collaborative projects, some of which cover several scientific themes (this is notably the case for collaborations
Department leader : Jean-Rémy FALLERICo-leader : Raluca URICARUDigital methods and tools are becoming increasingly important in modern society, with a
2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020PhD thesis07/15/2024 – Ivan Yakovlev: « Metric ribbon graphs»Manuscript07/02/2024 - Clément Legrand: « Exploring the
Who hasn't dreamed of diving into the memory of the oceans, playing soccer with robots, or discovering the secrets of industrial espionage? The CNRS
Start and participation of several members of SATANAS department in the PEPR NumPEx. This program, co-piloted by CNRS, CEA and Inria, is financed in
The Chair Mobility and Intelligent Transport organizes the day "(Cyber) security and safety of connected mobilities" - Tuesday, May 10th at 11am
Seven IT start-ups are the direct result of research projects carried out by LaBRI researchers. IQSPOT : Automatic reading and real-time analysis of