Prix Concur

Two LaBRI researchers, David Janin and Igor Walukiewicz received the prestigious 2021 “Concur Test of Time Awards”.

David Janin et Igor Walukiewicz received the prestigious 2021 Concur Test of Time Awards.
The purpose of this award is to recognize important achievements in competition theory that have been published at the CONCUR conference and that have stood the test of time; in this case over the period 1994-1997.

The award was for the publication of the paper "On the Expressive Completeness of the Propositional mu-Calculus with spect to Monadic Second Order Logic", " which established a close connection between monadic second order logic and a point-fixed calculus language called mu-calculus.

This paper provided a conceptual basis for many algorithmic applications in various fields, including verification and analysis of transition systems, probabilistic and timed systems, and game theory.