Publications de Pascal Weil

05 10 2024

Soumis / Submitted

F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Silhouettes and generic properties of subgroups of the modular group.

Publié ou accepté / Published or accepted

99 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Random generation of subgroups of the modular group with a fixed isomorphism type. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 31:4, 2024. DOI: 10.37236/12559

98 - B. Adsul, S. Kulkarni, P. Gastin, P. Weil. An expressively complete local past propositional dynamic logic over Mazurkiewicz traces and its applications. In LICS ’24: Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, ACM, 2024, Article No.: 2, Pages 1 – 13. DOI: 10.1145/3661814.3662110

97 - M. Roy, E. Ventura, P. Weil. The central tree property and algorithmic problems on subgroups of free groups. Journal of Group Theory 27:5, 2024, 1059--1089. DOI: 10.1515/jgth-2023-0050

96 - B. Adsul, P. Gastin, S. Sarkar, P. Weil. Propositional dynamic logic and asynchronous cascade decompositions for regular trace languages. In 33rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2022) (B. Klin, S. Lasota, A. Muscholl eds), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 243, 2022, 28:1-28:19, 2022. DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2022.28

95 - B. Adsul, P. Gastin, S. Sarkar, P. Weil. Asynchronous wreath product and cascade decompositions for concurrent behaviours. Logical Methods in Computer Science 18:2 (2022) 22:1-22:44. DOI: 10.46298/lmcs-18(2:22)2022

94 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Statistics of subgroups of the modular group. International Journal of Algebra and Computation 31:8 (2021) 1691-1751. DOI: 10.1142/S0218196721500624

93 - H. Straubing, P. Weil. Varieties, in Handbook of automata theory, volume I. J.-É Pin, ed. EMS Publishing, 2021. Chapter 16, pp. 569-614. DOI: 10.4171/Automata

92 - B. Adsul, P. Gastin, S. Sarkar, P. Weil. Wreath/cascade products and related decomposition results for the concurrent setting of Mazurkiewicz traces, in Proc. CONCUR 2020, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 171, 2020, 19:1-19:17. DOI:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2020.19

91 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Random presentations and random subgroups: a survey. In Complexity and Randomness in Group Theory - GAGTA Book 1, de Gruyter, 2020. DOI: 10.1515/9783110667028

90 - F. Bassino, I. Kapovich, M. Lohrey, A. Miasnikov, C. Nicaud, A. Nikolaev, I. Rivin, V. Shpilrain, A. Ushakov, P. Weil. Complexity and Randomness in Group Theory - GAGTA Book 1, de Gruyter, 2020. DOI: 10.1515/9783110667028

89 - O. Kharlampovich, P. Weil. On the generalized membership problem in relatively hyperbolic groups. In Fields of Logic and Computation III -- Essays dedicated to Yuri Gurevich on the occasion of his 80th birthday (A. Blass, P. Cégielski, N. Dershowitz, M. Droste, B. Finkbeiner, eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12180, Springer, 2020, 147-155. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48006-06_11.

88 - D. Figueira, V. Ramanathan, P. Weil. The quantifier alternation hierarchy of synchronous relations, in Proc. 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2019), P. Rossmanith, P. Heggernes, J.-P. Katoen eds., Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 138, 2019, 29:1-29:14. DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2019.29.

87 - Th. Place, V. Ramanathan, P. Weil. Covering and separation for logical fragments with modular predicates, Logical Methods in Computer Science 15:2 (2019) 11:1-11-32. DOI: 10.23638/LMCS-15(2:11)2019.

86 - P. Weil ed. Computer Science Symposium in Russia, special issue of Theory of Computing Systems, 63:4, 2019. ISSN: 1432-4350 (Print) 1433-0490 (Online)

85 - O. Kharlampovich, A. Miasnikov, P. Weil. Stallings graphs for quasi-convex subgroups, J. Algebra 488 (2017) 442-483. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2017.05.037

84 - P. Weil ed. Computer Science – Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (Kazan, Russia, June 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10304 (Springer, 2017). ISBN 978-3-319-58746-2.

83 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Generic properties of subgroups of free groups and of finite presentations, Contemporary Mathematics 677 (2016) 1-44. DOI 10.1090/conm/677/13619

82 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Genericity of Whitehead minimality, Journal of Group Theory 19 (2016) 137-159. DOI 10.1515/jgth-2015-0030

81 - P. Weil. From algebra to logic: there and back again – the story of a hierarchy, Developments in Language Theory, DLT 2014, A.M. Shur, M.V. Volkov, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8633 (Springer, 2014) 275-278.

80 - F. Bassino, A. Martino, C. Nicaud, E.Ventura, P. Weil. Statistical properties of subgroups of free groups, Random Structures and Algorithms 42 (2013) 349-373. DOI=10.1002/rsa.20407

79 - J.-M. Couvreur, D. Poitrenaud, P. Weil. Branching processes for general Petri nets, Fundamenta Informaticæ 122 (2013) 31-58. DOI:10.3233/FI-2013-782

78 - M. Kufleitner, P. Weil. The FO2 alternation hierarchy is decidable. Proceedings of Computer Science Logic (CSL 2012), P. Cegielski, A. Durand eds., Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 16, 2012, 426-439. DOI:10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2012.426

77 - M. Kufleitner, P. Weil. On logical hierarchies within FO2-definable languages, Logical Methods in Computer Science 8 (3:11) (2012) 1-30. DOI:10.2168/LMCS-8(3:11)2012

76 - V. Diekert, M. Kufleitner, P. Weil. Star-Free Languages are Church-Rosser Congruential, Theoretical Computer Science 454 (2012) 129-135. DOI:10.1016/j.tcs.2012.01.028

75 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Generic properties of random subgroups of a free group for general distributions, Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2012), DMTCS Proceedings AQ (2012), pp. 155-166.

74 - H. Straubing, P. Weil. An introduction to finite automata and their connection to logic, in Modern applications of automata theory (D. D'Souza, Priti Shankar eds), IISc Research Monographs 2, World Scientific (2012), pp. 3-43.

73 - J.-M. Couvreur, D. Poitrenaud, P. Weil. Unfoldings for general Petri nets, Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6709 (Springer, 2011), pp. 129-148. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-21834-7_8

72 - M. Kufleitner, P. Weil. On the lattice of sub-pseudovarieties of DA, Semigroup Forum 81 (2010) 243-254. DOI 10.1007/s00233-010-9258-6

71 - P. Silva, P. Weil. Automorphic orbits in free groups: words versus subgroups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 20 (2010) 561-590.

70 - S. Albers, P. Weil eds. Special issue STACS 2008, Theory of Computing Systems 47:3 (2010).

69 - P. Silva, P. Weil. On finite-index extensions of subgroups of free groups, Journal of Group Theory 13 (2010) 365-381.

68 - Z. Ésik, P. Weil. Algebraic characterization of logically defined tree languages, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 20 (2010) 195-239.

67 - W. Thomas, P. Weil eds. Special issue STACS 2007, Theory of Computing Systems 46:3 (2010).

66 - F. Bassino, A. Martino, C. Nicaud, E.Ventura, P. Weil. On distributions of subgroups of free groups, SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'10), (SIAM, 2010), pp. 82-89.

65 - M. Kufleitner, P. Weil. On FO2 quantifier alternation over words, MFCS 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5734 (Springer, 2009), pp. 513-524.

64 - S. Albers, P. Weil eds. STACS 2008, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Bordeaux, France, February 21-23, 2008, IBFI SchlossDagstuhl (2008). ISBN: 978-3-939897-06-4. Also volume 1 of the LIPIcs series.

63 - F. Bassino, C. Nicaud, P. Weil. Random generation of finitely generated subgroups of a free group, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 18 (2008) 1-31.

62 - P.V. Silva, P. Weil. On an algorithm to decide whether a free group is a free factor of another, Theoretical Informatics and Applications 42 (2008) 395-414.

61 - A. Roig, E. Ventura, P. Weil. On the complexity of the Whitehead minimization problem, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 17 (2007) 1611-1634. Slides from my presentation in Manresa, September 2006.

60 - A. Miasnikov, E. Ventura, P. Weil. Algebraic extensions in free groups, in (G.N. Arzhantseva, L. Bartholdi, J. Burillo, E. Ventura eds.) Geometric group theory, Geneva and Barcelona conferences, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhaüser (2007), pp. 225-253. Slides from my presentation in Lisboa, July 2005.

59 - W. Thomas, P. Weil eds. STACS 2007, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Aachen, Germany, February 22-24, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4393 (Springer, 2007). ISBN: 978-3-540-70917-6

58 - B. Courcelle, P. Weil. The recognizability of sets of graphs is a robust property, Theoretical Computer Science 342 (2005) 173-228.

57 - Z. Ésik, P. Weil. Algebraic recognizability of regular tree languages, Theoretical Computer Science 340 (2005) 291-321. Slides from my presentation in Aachen, November 2006.

56 - P. Weil. Algebraic recognizability of languages, in MFCS 2004 (J. Fiala, V. Koubek, J. Kratochvíl eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3153 (Springer, 2004) 149-175. Slides from my presentation in Prague, August 2004.

55 - P. Weil. On the logical definability of certain graph and poset languages, J. of Automata, Languages and Computation 9(2004) 147-165.

54 - J. Fountain, J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Covers for monoids, J. Algebra 271 (2004) 529-586. .ps.gz.

53 - Z. Ésik, P. Weil. On logically defined recognizable tree languages, in FST TCS 2003 (Paritosh K. Pandya, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2914 (Springer, 2003) 195-207. .pdf.

52 - T. Coulbois, M. Sapir, P. Weil. A note on the continuous extensions of injective morphisms between free groups to relatively free profinite groups, Publicacions Matemàtiques 47 (2003) 477-487. .pdf.

51 - J. Meakin, P. Weil. Subgroups of free groups: a contribution to the Hanna Neumann conjecture, Geometriæ Dedicata 94 (2002) 33-43. .ps.gz.

50 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. The wreath product principle for ordered semigroups, Communications in Algebra 30 (2002) 5677-5713. .ps.gz. DOI 10.1081/AGB-120016005

49 - J.-E. Pin, A. Pinguet, P. Weil. Ordered categories and ordered semigroups, Communications in Algebra 30 (2002) 5651-5675. .ps.gz. DOI 10.1081/AGB-120016004

48 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Semidirect products of ordered semigroups, Communications in Algebra 30 (2002) 149-169. .ps.gz. DOI 10.1081/AGB-120006484

47 - P. Weil. Profinite methods in semigroup theory, Intern. J. Algebra and Computation 12 (2002) 137-178. .ps.

46 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. A conjecture on the concatenation product, Theoretical Informatics and Applications 35 (2001) 597-618. .ps.gz.

45 - K. Lodaya, P. Weil. Rationality in algebras with a series operation, Information and Computation 171 (2001) 269-293. .ps.gz.

44 - P. Weil. Graphs, intersections of subgroups of free groups and corank, in (J. Nesetril, M. Noy and O. Serra eds.) Proceedings of EuroComb'01, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10 (Elsevier, 2001). .ps.gz

43 - S. Margolis, M. Sapir, P. Weil. Closed subgroups in the pro-V-topologies, and the extension problem for inverse automata, Intern. J. Algebra and Computation 11 (2001) 405-445. .ps.gz.

42 - E. Badouel, S. Boucheron, A. Dicky, M. Santha, A. Petit, P. Weil, M. Zeitoun. Problèmes d'informatique fondamentale : voyages au pays de l'informatique au gré de problèmes de concours, Scopos 13, Springer, 2001.

41 - J.-C. Birget, S. Margolis, J. Meakin, P. Weil. PSPACE-completeness of certain algorithmic problems on the subgroups of free groups, Theoretical Computer Science 242 (2000) 247 - 281. .ps.gz.

40 - K. Lodaya, P. Weil. Series-parallel languages and the bounded-width property, Theoretical Computer Science 237 (2000) 347 - 380. .ps.gz.

39 - P. Weil. Computing closures of finitely generated subgroups of the free group. In Algorithmic Problems in Groups and Semigroups (J.-C. Birget, S. Margolis, J. Meakin, M. Sapir éds.), Birkhaüser, 2000, 289 - 307. .ps.gz.

38 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Uniformities on free semigroups, Intern. J. Algebra and Computation 9 (1999) 431 - 453. .ps.gz.

37 - T.E. Hall, P. Weil. On radical congruence systems, Semigroup Forum 59 (1999) 56 - 73. .ps.gz.

36 - K. Lodaya, P. Weil. A Kleene iteration for parallelism, in FST and TCS 98 (V. Arvind, R. Ramanujam éds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1530 (Springer, 1998) 355 - 366. .ps.gz.

35 - G. Guaiana, R. Meyer, A. Petit, P. Weil. An extension of the wreath product principle for finite Mazurkiewicz traces, Information Processing Letters 67 (1998) 277 - 282. .ps.gz.

34 - S. Margolis, M. Sapir, P. Weil. Irreducibility of certain pseudovarieties, Communications in Algebra 26 (1998) 779 - 792. .ps.gz. DOI 10.1080/00927879808826163

33 - J. Almeida, P. Weil. Profinite categories and semidirect products, J. Pure and Applied Algebra 123 (1998) 1 - 50. .ps.gz.

32 - K. Lodaya, P. Weil. Series-parallel posets: algebra, automata and languages, in STACS 98 (M. Morvan, Ch. Meinel, D. Krob eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1373 (Springer, 1998) 555 - 565. .ps.gz.

31 - L. Albert, P. Gastin, B. Petazzoni, A. Petit, N. Puech, P. Weil. Cours et exercices d'informatique, Classes préparatoires, 1er et 2nd cycles universitaires, International Thompson Publishing, Paris, 1997; Vuibert, Paris, 1998.

30 - P. Trotter, P. Weil. The lattice of pseudovarieties of idempotent semigroups and a non-regular analogue, Algebra Universalis 37 (1997) 491 - 526. .ps.gz.

29 - J. Almeida, P. Weil. Free profinite R- trivial monoids, Intern. J. Algebra and Computation 7 (1997) 625 - 671. .ps.gz.

28 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Polynomial closure and unambiguous products, Theory of Computing Systems 30 (1997) 383 - 422. .ps.gz.

27 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. A Reiterman theorem for pseudovarieties of finite first-order structures, Algebra Universalis 35 (1996) 577 - 595. résumé / abstract. .ps.gz.

26 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Profinite semigroups, Mal'cev products and identities, J. Algebra 182 (1996) 604 - 626. résumé / abstract. .ps.gz.

25 - S. Margolis, M. Sapir, P. Weil. On the indecomposibility of certain language classes, in Proc. 4th Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems , IEEE Computer Society, 1996, 129 - 135.

24 - J. Rhodes, P. Weil. Algebraic and topological theory of languages, RAIRO Informatique Théorique et Applications 29 (1995) 1 - 44. .ps.gz.

23 - J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Polynomial closure and unambiguous products, in 22nd ICALP , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 944 (Springer, 1995) 348 - 359.

22 - J. Almeida, P. Weil. Free profinite semigroups over semidirect products, Izvestiya VUZ Matematika 39 (1995) 3 - 31. Version anglaise/English version, Russian Mathem. (Iz. VUZ.) 39 (1995) 1 - 28. .ps.gz.

21 - J. Almeida, P. Weil. Relatively free profinite monoids: an introduction and examples, in NATO Advanced Study Institute ''Semigroups, formal languages and groups'' (J. Fountain éd.), Kluwer, 1995, 73 -

20 - J.-C. Birget, S. Margolis, J. Meakin, P. Weil. PSPACE-completeness of certain algorithmic problems on the subgroups of free groups, in ICALP 94 (S. Abiteboul et E. Shamir éds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 820 (Springer, 1994) 274 - 285.

19 - J. Almeida, P. Weil. Reduced factorization in free profinite groups and join decompositions of pseudo-varieties, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 (1994) 375 - 403.

18 - P. Weil. Some results on the dot-depth hierarchy, Semigroup Forum 46 (1993) 352 - 370. .ps.gz.

17 - H. Straubing, P. Weil. On a conjecture concerning dot-depth two languages, Theoretical Computer Science 104 (1992) 161 - 183.

16 - P. Weil. Closure of varieties under products with counter, Journal of Computing and System Science 45 (1992) 316 - 339.

15 - J. Almeida, J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Semigroups whose idempotents form a subsemigroup, Math. Proceedings Camb. Phil. Soc. 111 (1992) 241 - 253.

14 - P. Weil. Implicit operations on pseudo-varieties : an introduction, in Monoids and Semigroups with Applications (J. Rhodes ed.), World Scientific, Singapour, 1991.

13 - B. Le Saëc, J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. Semigroups with idempotent stabilizers and applications to automata theory, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 (1991) 291 - 314. résumé / abstract .pdf.

12 - B. Le Saëc, J.-E. Pin, P. Weil. A purely algebraic proof of McNaughton's theorem on infinite words, in FST - TCS (S. Biswas et K.V. Nori éds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 560 (Springer, 1991) 141 - 151.

11 - P. Weil. An extension of the Schützenberger product, in Lattices, Semigroups and Universal Algebra (J. Almeida, G. Bordalo et Ph. Dwinger éds.), Plenum, New York, 1990.

10 - P. Weil. Products of languages with counter, Theoretical Computer Science 76 (1990) 251 – 260, pdf.

9 - P. Weil. Problèmes de composition et de décomposition en théorie des langages, mémoire d'habilitation, Université de Paris-6, 1989.

8 - P. Weil. On varieties of languages closed under products with counter, in MFCS 1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 379 (Springer, 1989) 534 - 544.

7 - J. Rhodes, P. Weil. Decomposition techniques for finite semigroups using categories, I, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 62 (1989) 269 - 284.

6 - J. Rhodes, P. Weil. Decomposition techniques for finite semigroups using categories, II, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 62 (1989) 285 - 312.

5 - P. Weil. Inverse monoids of dot-depth two, Theoretical Computer Science 66 (1989) 233 - 245.

4 - P. Weil. Inverse monoids and the dot-depth hierarchy, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, 1988.

3 - P. Weil. Groups in the syntactic monoid of a composed code, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 42 (1986) 297 - 319.

2 - P. Weil. Groups, codes and unambiguous automata, in STACS 85 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 182 (Springer, 1985) 351 - 362.

1 - P. Weil. Produits et décompositions d'automates : applications à la théorie des langages, thèse de troisième cycle, Université de Paris-7, 1985.

Pascal Weil