
  1. Concatenation hierarchies: New bottle, old wine.
    In CSR'17.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  2. The Tale of the Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy of First-Order Logic over Words.
    In SIGLOG news 2 (3), ACM. July 2015
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  1. Dot-depth three, return of the J-class.
    In LICS'24.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  2. A Generic Characterization of Generalized Unary Temporal Logic and Two-Variable First-Order Logic.
    In CSL'24.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  3. Group separation strikes back.
    In LICS'23.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  4. A generic polynomial time approach to separation by first-order logic without quantifier alternation.
    In FSTTCS'22.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  5. How many times do you need to go back to the future in Unary Temporal Logic?
    In LATIN'22.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  6. The amazing mixed polynomial closure and its applications to two-variable first-order logic.
    In LICS'22.

  7. Characterizing level one in group-based concatenation hierarchies.
    In CSR'22.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  8. Deciding classes of regular languages: the covering approach.
    In LATA'20 (invited paper).

  9. On all things star-free.
    In ICALP'19.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  10. Separation and covering for group based concatenation hierarchies.
    In LICS'19.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  11. The complexity of separation for levels in concatenation hierarchies.
    In FSTTCS'18.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  12. Separating without any ambiguity.
    In ICALP'18.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  13. Separation for dot-depth two.
    In LICS'17.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  14. The Covering Problem: a Unified Approach for Investigating the Expressive Power of Logics.
    In MFCS'16.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  15. Quantifier Alternation for Infinite Words.
    In FOSSACS'16.
    Joint work with T. Pierron and M. Zeitoun

  16. Separating Regular Languages with Two Quantifier Alternations.
    In LICS'15.

  17. Separation and the Successor Relation.
    In STACS'15.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  18. Separating Regular Languages with First-Order Logic.
    In CSL-LICS'14.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  19. Going higher in the First-order Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy on Words.
    In ICALP'14.
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun

  20. Separating Regular Languages by Locally Testable and Locally Threshold Testable Languages.
    In FSTTCS'13.
    Joint work with L. V. Rooijen and M. Zeitoun

  21. Separating Regular Languages by Piecewise and Unambiguous Languages.
    In MFCS'13.
    Joint work with L. V. Rooijen and M. Zeitoun

  22. Towards Model Theory with Data Values.
    In ICALP'12.
    Joint work with M. Bojańczyk

  23. Regular Languages of Infinite Trees that are Boolean Combination of Open Sets.
    In ICALP'12.
    Joint work with M. Bojańczyk

  24. Classes of trees definable in the μ-calculus.
    In MFCS'10.
    Joint work with G. Fontaine

  25. Deciding definability in FO2(<) (or XPath) on trees.
    In LICS'10.
    Joint work with L. Segoufin.

  26. A decidable characterization of Locally Testable Tree Languages.
    In ICALP'09.
    Joint work with L. Segoufin.

  27. Characterization of Logics Over Ranked Tree Languages.
    In CSL'08.

  1. All about unambiguous polynomial closure.
    In TheoretiCS Volume 2 2024
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  2. Separation for dot-depth two.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 17 Issue 3 2021
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  3. Adding Successor: A Transfer Theorem for Separation and Covering.
    In ACM Transactions on Computational Logic Volume 21 Issue 2 2020
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  4. Regular tree languages in low levels of the Wadge Hierarchy.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 15 Issue 3 2019
    Joint work with Mikolaj Bojanczyk, Filippo Cavallari and Michal Skrzypczak.

  5. Covering and separation for logical fragments with modular predicates.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 15 Issue 2 2019
    Joint work with Varun Ramanathan and Pascal Weil.

  6. Going higher in the First-order Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy on Words.
    In Journal of the ACM (JACM) Volume 66 Issue 2 2019
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  7. Generic Results for Concatenation Hierarchies.
    In Theory of Computing Systems 2019
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  8. Separating regular languages with two quantifier alternations.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 14 Issue 4 2018

  9. The Covering Problem.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 13 Issue 3 2018
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  10. Separating Regular Languages with First-Order Logic.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 12 Issue 1 2016
    Joint work with M. Zeitoun.

  11. Deciding definability in FO2(<h,<v) on trees.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 11 Issue 3 2015
    Joint work with L. Segoufin.

  12. On Separation by Locally Testable and Locally Threshold Testable Languages.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 10 Issue 3 2014
    Joint work with L. V. Rooijen and M. Zeitoun.

  13. A decidable characterization of Locally Testable Tree Languages.
    In Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Volume 7 Issue 4 2011
    Joint work with L. Segoufin.