- Combinatorial games
- Strategic games
- Notes cours :
- TD 1
- TD 2
- TD 3
- Examen 2016/17
- Examen 2016/17 discussion
- Examen 2014/15
- Devoir maison 2016/17
Reading material
- P.J.G. Ramadge, G.M. Wonham,
The control of discrete event systems, IEEE, 1989.
- W. Thomas,
The synthesis of strategies in infinite games, STACS,
- Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games (eds. E. Grädel,
W. Thomas, Th. Wilke), Springer 2002.
Chapter 2 Infinite games
- Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games (eds. E. Grädel,
W. Thomas, Th. Wilke), Springer 2002.
Chapter 7 Parity games
- H. Bjorklund, S. Sandberg,
S. Vorobyov.
Memoryless determinacy of parity and mean payoff games: a simple proof
Theor. Comput. Sci. 310(1-3): 365-378, 2004.
- M. Bojanczyk.
Star Height via Games. LICS'15, pp. 214-219, IEEE, 2015.
- A. Casares, Th. Colcombet,
K. Lehtinen. On the size of good-for-games Rabin automata and its link
with the memory in Muller games ICALP'22, LIPIcs, 2022.
- K. Chatterjee, M. Henzinger.
An O(n2) time algorithm for alternating Buechi games. SODA'12:
1386-1399, ACM-SIAM, 2012.
- P. Parys. Parity
Games: Zielonka's Algorithm in Quasi-Polynomial Time.
MFCS'19: 10:1-10:13, LIPIcs, 2019.
- W. Thomas.
Church's Problem and a Tour through Automata Theory. Pillars of
Computer Science 2008: 635-655.
- F. Vaandrager. Model
learning, Comm. of ACM, 2017.
- B. Bollig, P. Habermehl, C. Kern,
M. Leucker. Angluin-style
learning of NFA. IJCAI 2009.
- B. Bollig, P. Habermehl, M. Leucker,
B. Monmege. A
fresh approach to learning register automata. Log. Meth. in
Comp.Sci. 10(4):2014
- B. Balle, M. Mohri.
Learning weighted automata. CAI'15: Algebraic Informatics, LNCS, 2015.
Anca Muscholl