Recent news

Gabriel Bathie (M2F department, DART team) was awarded the prize for best paper at the 35th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, held last June in Fukuoka (Japan).

It's with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Abel Kahsay Gebreslassie, doctoral student at LaBRI. Abel left us far too soon, leaving behind him a huge void in our scientific and human community.

Passionate and brilliant, Abel distinguished himself through his innovative work in artificial intelligence and information visualization. His intelligence, rigor and enthusiasm will leave their mark on all those who had the good fortune to know him and work alongside him.

Our thoughts go out first and foremost to his family and friends in this painful ordeal. We assure them of our support and deepest sympathy.

Here is a link to the speech given by the Director of the LaBRI during a moment of mourning at the LaBRI on October 16. Click. Here.

Pierrick Coupé visited the Maison française in Oxford, at the invitation of the French Embassy, for a symposium on the challenges of AI in healthcare.

In the week from 16 to 20/09/24, the 12th international conference in the Highlights series, jointly organized with Jewels of Automata Theory (ex AutoMathA), takes place at the LaBRI.

In June, Yanis Asloudj took part in the Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM). This national conference attracts over 400 bioinformatics researchers every year. During the conference, Yanis presented a new ensemblistic partitioning algorithm for single-cell partitioning, and was awarded the prize for best oral presentation.

Antonio Casares, who defended his thesis in 2023, under the supervision of Igor Walukiewicz and Nathanaël Fijalkow, receives the Bordeaux University "Science and Technology" thesis prize.
Thesis title: "Structural properties of automata on infinite words and memory for games".

As part of JDEF (Journal de la Défense), you can follow advances in AI, and in particular the interview and presentation of the ASTRID Assydus project, in which Serge Chaumette, Ema Falomir (Thalès) and Jean-Daniel Masson (AID-Agence de l'Innovation de Défense) are involved.
Read more in this post.

LABRI will host the 13th edition of GASCom the week of June 24-28, 2024. The conference will feature invited talks and talks on selected abstracts.   

The VivaTech 2024 trade show in Paris, from May 22 to 25, will be an opportunity for the robots in the Rhoban team (Olivier Ly-RoboCup) to demonstrate their soccer skills once again.

The project "Approximation algorithms in quasi-polynomial time for certain optimization problems in network design", led by Ralf Klasing, is one of the 5 winners of the IEA 2023 (International Emerging Actions) call.

After a year 2023 marked by major successes and awards, both in France and internationally, the start-up QUANTEEC, led by Daniel Négru, has reached new milestones. Its innovation in video streaming won it La Tribune's Tech For Future 2024 competition, highlighting its potential to meet tomorrow's economic, societal and environmental challenges.


Three Bordeaux teams win prizes at the Nuit de l'Info (annual event). A gold medal won on an "accessibility" challenge proposed by CODE-TROOPERS. A second satellite challenge won (2nd place), then a 3rd place on the podium of the main challenge.


Three "LaBRIsiens", PhD students and/or young doctors, have applied to take part in MT180 (Ma thèse en 180 secondes).
The semi-final, with the 19 participants, will take place on 11/03/24 from 13h30 to 17h, at l'Agora (Talence).
The final will take place on 03/15, with the 16 finalists chosen during the semi-final, again at l'Agora from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.

Both sessions are open to the public.

It was with great sadness and emotion that LaBRI director learned that our colleague and friend Vinh-Thong Ta passed away last Thursday, February 15, 2024.
Appointed to Bordeaux INP in September 2010, he will always be remembered at LaBRI, in particular for his work in natural and medical image processing and analysis.
All those who knew him will miss his enthusiasm, his commitment, his dedication at all times, his frankness and his integrity.
LaBRI director share the grief of his family, friends and colleagues.

A moment of recollection will be held on Wednesday 21 February at 1.45pm at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, on the 2nd floor on the computer bridge.

The ANR QuDATA (Quantum Algorithms for Massive Data) workshop on quantum computing is currently taking place at the LaBRI.
Made up of permanent members from the IRIF, the LaBRI and Bull/ATOS, this workshop is part of the ANR "Call for generic projects 2018" programme.

It's clear that AI is making its mark in most business sectors. But how much confidence can we have in it?
In this interview with Les Echos, Laurent Simon gives his point of view to clear up any misunderstandings, and also outlines the prospects for future research.

For more details, see the advert.

At the Defence Innovation Forum (Porte de Versailles), LaBRI, in collaboration with Thales DMS, will be presenting its work on the ASSYDUS project (Autonomous system for decoying using uav swarms).

An AI detects the first signs of multiple sclerosis. The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of how the disease develops, but also to diagnose patients before the first symptoms appear. How can this be achieved? By developing statistical methods and AI to build models of the evolution of brain structures.

The 16th FPS 2023 symposium (Foundations and Practices of Security) will take place from 2023, December 11 to 13th at Bordeaux INP.

See the announcement for more information.

On 2023, November 24th, from 4pm to 6pm, Aurélie Bugeau will be taking part in a film-debate on the subject of Digital Pollution. Place: Amphi Cirot, Univ Bx Montaigne – Pessac
See the poster.

Olivier Baudon and Serge Chaumette were both awarded the Palmes académiques, with the rank of chevalier. The official medal ceremony will take place in 2024 (date to be announced).


Fabien LOTTE receives the Lovelace-Babbage prize from the French Academy of Sciences in partnership with the SIF (Société informatique de France).
Find out more by consulting the advert.

The Rhoban team was presented with a trophy at the welcome day for new arrivals, to make official the 5th star that the team will no doubt be sporting on its next jersey at the next competition.

What does the Fête de la science mean to researchers?
Let them have their say. Video of @Aurélien Marquot.

As part of the Fête de la science week, from 09 to 13 October 2023, the LaBRI is taking part in the Bordeaux science circuit.

Find out more by consulting the announcement.

On the weekend of 16 and 17 September, as part of the Journées du Patrimoine and Matrimoine 2023, SCRIME will be taking part in "La Nuit des Escaliers". Organised by the Opéra National de Bordeaux, "La Nuit des Escaliers" is a musical tour of various venues in Bordeaux.

At the 28th ISCC 2023 conference in July, Sabri Khamari received the "Best Student Short Paper & Poster Award".

At the end of the summer period, from 2023, August 28th to September 01st, the M2F department is organising the MFCS - 48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, at Enseirb-Matmeca.

Hip hip hip hurrah and victory for the French Rhoban team playing at home. It's a great revenge, as they clinch their 5th star with a score of five goals to two against the Japanese team Citbrains.
Congratulations to our team of champions!

Relive the match in pictures (go to 3:22), here.

And it's off to the world's biggest robotics and AI competition, held from 6 to 10 July, at the Parc des Expositions in Bordeaux.

Of course, our team of Rhoban champions will be there, as you can see from the video !

The management of the LaBRI is delighted to have welcomed no fewer than 101 trainees in 2023.
With its high profile and attractiveness, the LaBRI has demonstrated its dynamism and its willingness to introduce young people to the world of research.

June 13th to award the prize to Corentin Seutin and the two runners-up prizes to Alisée Lafontaine and Mateo Millet.

The award ceremony will take place on Thursday 20 July at 4pm in the Salons of Château Peixotto (Talence).

Meghyn Bienvenu and her co-authors, Balder ten Cate, Carsten Lutz, and Frank Wolter, received the Albert O. Mendelzon Test of Time Award for their paper published 10 years ago at the PODS'13 conference. Mendelzon Test of Time Award for the impact of their paper published 10 years ago at the PODS'13 conference: "Ontology-based data access: A study through disjunctive datalog, CSP, and MMSNP".

 “Reasoning, Calculation, Language" conference organised with philosophical colleagues from Bordeaux Montaigne, 2023, June 19 and 20th

Sébastien Labbé, CNRS researcher (CombAlgo department, CI team), has carried out a laser cut of small pieces of wood that fit together to create a paving pattern. The cutting was carried out recently at ENSEIRB-MATMECA's FABLAB EirLab, with the help of David Renault (MdC in the M2F department, LX team).

Find out more by reading the article, here.

More information in the detailed announcement.

A major event bringing together Inria, the IMB and the LaBRI in a festive and convivial event.

Date: June 16th
Place: car park and lawn in front of the Inria building

With the growing expansion of shared micro-mobility services, new systems of geolocated and connected self-service vehicles are emerging: improving user safety, optimising organisation and journeys, managing and securing databases, and so on.

More information in the detailed advert.

Launch of the Trustworthy AI ChairThe spectacular progress made in Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens up a vast field of possible applications, which is constantly evolving, particularly in the field of machine learning. However, behind these impressive results, there are still major limitations when it comes to deploying these systems in confidence with their users.
The aim of the Trustworthy AI Chair is to help organisations deploy the best solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, combining efficiency with the guarantees that can be expected.

Free but compulsory registration before 2023, June 16th. See the detailed announcement.

Bruno Pinaud (SeD department, BKB team), is taking part as a speaker and trainer in the Digital Humanities Summer School: "Theory and Practice in Law, Political Science, Economics". Dates: 2023, June to 26 until 30th - Free admission

Poster and program in the detailed announcement.


Meeting, on 2023, June 02th, from 10 to 12 am (amphitheatre LaBRI) with the company Serma Technologies, and more particularly with Yoann Bodet, head of the Functional Safety activity (Pessac/Toulouse) of Serma Technologies.

The software of the SCRIME platform, Ossia score has just reached 100 000 downloads.
It is an interactive intermedia sequencer resulting from research conducted at the LaBRI over the last twenty years and currently managed by the OSSIA contributors' collective.
This software is currently used in the framework of the "Métascène" project with the OARA (Office artistique de la Région Aquitaine, at the MECA), to drive an immersive show with 50 speakers, 3 screens with animated images representing portraits of several theatres in the area.

The objective of this collaborative handbook is to present the state of the art in graph games, which are part of a larger research topic called game theory. Graph games are the domain of games whose rules and evolution are represented by a graph.

From 2023, June 8 to 10th, at the Forum des Arts et de la Culture in Talence, the 1st edition of Echappées inattendues in New Aquitaine will take place.
This is a new, free, fun event for scientific mediation: a real invitation to explore and discover through meetings with scientists.

Find out more by consulting the details of the ad.

Vincent Martin recipient of 2022 of the thesis prize of the French Association of Spoken Communication (French-speaking learned society of "la parole"), for his thesis entitled: "New vocal biomarkers for the automatic detection automatic detection of sleepiness".

The LaBRI organizes a day on open source software with Alexis Kauffmann, Project Manager for open source software and educational resources and gender diversity in the digital sector, Sub-Directorate of Digital Transformation, Directorate of Digital Education, Ministry of National Education and Youth.

Admission is free but required - Evento with deadline 2023, April 10th:
Or by contacting:

Yvonne Jansen and data visualization awarded the CNRS bronze medal.

The SIF, with the help of the rectorat, is organizing a "Women & Computing" day on March 31th at the LaBRI. Participation is free, but mandatory.

On this occasion, the posters "Elles du Numérique" will be present again in the entrance hall of the LaBRI.

The RoboCup 2023 will open its doors in Bordeaux, from July 4 to 10th, 2023. This event, which brings together no less than 2500 competitors, 3000 robots and 45 countries represented, was officially launched at CapSciences on March 13th.

Start and participation of several members of SATANAS department in the PEPR NumPEx.
This program, co-piloted by CNRS, CEA and Inria, is financed in the framework of France 2030. Its objective is to develop software solutions to exploit the capabilities of these future French and European supercomputers; to prepare the major scientific and industrial application domains to benefit fully from the capabilities of these machines.

The voice is one of the specific characteristics of each of us. What if it was studied to allow the diagnosis of certain diseases or at least their follow-up?
This is what Vincent Martin and Colleen Beaumard are working on in their study of the voice in sleep disorders.

Following the departure of Denis Barthou, Olivier Aumage will be in charge of the STORM project team as of March 1st.

As part of the Math Week, the LaBRI will welcome, in the presence of the Rector, the school public on the afternoon of Monday, 2023, March 6th.

During the closing webinar (February 28) of the ROSE Challenge "Robotics and sensors for EcophytoII+", the BipBip project led by IMS, LaBRI, Elatec and CTIFL, will be officially declared winner.

As part of the visit of the DAS (Scientific Assistant Directors) of the CNRS, on Wednesday March 1, 2023, Anne Siegel, DAS of the INS2I, will give a seminar in the amphitheatre of the LaBRI, at 11am. The title of her presentation is "Gender equality in computer science: from global issues to local impacts".

During the NCA conference(IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications), Kadir Korkmaz (PhD student in the SeD department, Progress team), was awarded the Best student paper award.

Written in collaboration with Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Stéphane Delbruel, Laurent Réveillère and Sonia Ben Mokhtar (Liris CNRS-Lyon), his paper is entitled "In-depth analysis of the IDA-Gossip protocol".

As part of its Art & Science programming, SCRIME is organizing a concert-demonstration with the band Praetorian, on 26/01/2023 (Hemicyclia room), starting at 6pm. Only on registration.

It is a question of presenting a prototype developed to isolate and spatialize the instruments of the Praetorian group which have been recorded beforehand. The public is invited to test the device.

The traditional JCB (Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux) will take place this year from January, 2023, 30th to February 1st

The main objective of the Smartmob project, led by the mobility and intelligent transport chair (at Bx-INP), is to anticipate the various mobilities of tomorrow.

Fabien Lotte is the 2022 winner of the USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network) award in the "Formal Science" category, for his project BrainConquest.

Mathieu Vérité (3rd year PhD student) received the Best paper award, in the Algorithms session, at the Supercomputing SC22 conference for his paper entitled: "Symmetric Block-Cyclic Distribution: Fewer Communications Leads to Faster Dense Cholesky Factorization"

Anne Bisagni-Faure, Rector of the New Aquitaine Academy, awarded the "Talents U" prize for the year 2022 to the project Moi Informaticienne, Moi Mathématicienne at the university's back-to-school ceremony (last October). These prizes reward projects carried out by the university community.

The Rhoban team has not demerited and has reached the second place of the podium, at the Robocup 2022 held last July in Thailand.

Congratulations to the champions!


In their article entitled: "Will an AI soon replace your psychiatrist?", Vincent Martin, post-doc at the LaBRI and Christophe Gauld, Child Psychiatrist at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, discuss the advances as well as the constraints and obstacles of AI in the medical field, and more precisely in psychiatry.

Who hasn't dreamed of diving into the memory of the oceans, playing soccer with robots, or discovering the secrets of industrial espionage? The CNRS is offering groups of randomly selected visitors the chance to take part in unique experiments in its laboratories in France between October 7 and 17. More than a hundred unusual visits will take place as part of the Fête de la science 2022 organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Among them, three will take place in Aquitaine and more particularly one of them stamped LaBRI.

In the context of large national projects on the theme of AI (in the broad sense), the article gives a quick overview of the research undertaken at the LaBRI, both on theoretical and practical approaches.

The EATCS-IPEC Nerode prize rewards outstanding papers in the field of multivariate algorithms. This year the prize is awarded to Bruno Courcelle for his articles:

1. Bruno Courcelle.  "The Monadic Second-Order Logic of Graphs. I. Recognizable Sets of Finite Graphs."  Inf. Comput. 85(1): 12-75 (1990)

2. Bruno Courcelle.  "The Monadic Second-Order Logic of Graphs III: Tree-Decompositions, Minors and Complexity Issues."  RAIRO Theor. Informatics Appl. 26: 257-286 (1992)

This award will be presented at the ceremony at the IPEC (International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation) conference in September.

Aurélie Bugeau is a laureate of the IUF for the Innovation Chair.
As a reminder: the IUF's mission is to promote the development of high-level research and to strengthen interdisciplinarity.

The Combinatorial Days of Bordeaux is a conference that takes place every year since 2009. It will take place this year from June, 2022, 08 to 10.

As part of the SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, come and listen to the trio concert by François Rossé, Étienne Rolin and Jean-Michel Rivet, Wednesday, May 25, in the Hémicyclia room (LaBRI), at 7 pm.

As part of the series of events organized as part of the SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, come and listen to Laurent Soulié's monographic concert on Tuesday, May 24, in the Hémicyclia room, at 7 pm.

"The Prehistory of SCRIME": first part of the series of events organized as part of SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, Tuesday, May 17, Hemicyclia Hall, 7-8pm.

Presentation of the MATh.en.JEANS workshops on Saturday 2022, May 14th, from 10am, at the IMB (Building A33).


The Chair Mobility and Intelligent Transport organizes the day "(Cyber) security and safety of connected mobilities" - Tuesday, May 10th at 11am (Enseirb-Matmeca - Bx-INP)

MATh.en.JEANS is back with workshops for young researchers, who will present their research on Saturday April 09th, starting at 9am, at the IMB (Building A33).

The Palmes Académiques were awarded on March 15.
Olivier Ly received the title of knight and Serge Dulucq that of commander.

To encourage young girls in 9th and 10th grade to choose mathematics and computer science, a free internship at the University of Bordeaux allows them to discover training, research and jobs in these two disciplines.

Nathanaël Fijalkow discusses in his article in the Journal Interstices the following subject: "The advent of program synthesis".

Open ViBE is one of the world's leading software for encephalographic signal processing.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has awarded for the first time the Open Science prize for open source research software. This prize is part of the initiatives that allow to keep free some software developed by researchers.

Meghyn Bienvenu is one of 10 women scientists selected by the College of Learned Societies.

Even though the Tulip project is getting a bit old, but is still very active, Tulip has just received a few awards from SourceForge.

Antonio Casares, PhD student supervised by Igor Walukiewicz and Nathanaël Fijalkow won the best student paper award at the CSL (Computer Science in Logic) conference.

Some members of the LaBRI, involved in AI, participated last January in the meeting organized with the Waterloo Institute.

7.0 version (code name "Sankara") of the SCOTCH + PT-SCOTCH software package has been released. It is a major release, the result of six years of development, which brings many innovative features.

Reda Kamraoui receives the MICCAI International Challenge Award for his work on the detection of new multiple sclerosis lesions.

Olivier Ly Interview, on 2021, December 10th, on TV7 morning, about the NAIA.R forum (AI and computer science), which takes place from 9 to 11 of December, at Hangar 14 (Bx).

The LaBRI CL (Conseil de Laboratoire/Laboratory Council) voted unanimously on a motion regarding Bordeaux University electronic voting.

The Chair of Mobility and Intelligent Transport, headed by Mohamed Mosbah, has just won the "Research and Innovation 2021" prize from the Bordeaux University Foundation at the Awards Gala on 25th November 2021.

The Graduate Program Numerics invites you to its seminar on societal issues & scientific culture related to digital technology. Third session: Wednesday, October 27 at 6:15 pm in LaBRI amphi (preceded by a snack at 5:30 pm).

The Graduate Program Numerics invites you to its seminar on societal issues & scientific culture related to digital technology. Second session: Wednesday, October 20 at 6:15 pm in room 178 of the LaBRI (preceded by a snack at 5:30 pm).

The detection of sleepiness in the voice: this is the subject of Vincent Martin's thesis (I&S department), under Jean-Luc Rouas supervision.

SIF is organizing 2 virtual half-days, free but with registration, on hardware platforms for security. Dates: October, 2021, 14 and 15.

Frédéric Mazoit presentation in the framework of the Fête de la Science and the Bordeaux circuit. This year again, this event will take place "outside the walls" of the LaBRI.
Hervé Hocquard and Olivier Ly were participating in the mock trial on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Quentin Manière receives the "Best student contribution award" at DL 2021 workshop

The SCRIME has just been labeled as a Platform of the University of Bordeaux.

The ANSSI (French National Agency for Information Systems Security) has just certified a third Dropbox-like secure tool. Parsec, the Bordeaux-based open source solution from the editor SCILLE (in partnership with LaBRI), is supported by the Direction Générale de l'Armement and Airbus. SecNumCloud hosting is in the works.

The multilayer network model recognizes that the complexity of relationships between entities in complex real-world systems is best understood in terms of multiple interdependent subsystems (or layers).

Adrian Tanasa is the author of "Combinatorial Physics", published by Oxford Univ. Press

Two LaBRI researchers, David Janin and Igor Walukiewicz received the prestigious 2021 “Concur Test of Time Awards”.

Each year, the CNRS rewards those who have contributed the most to its influence and to the progress of research.

François Pellegrini is elected vice-president of the CNIL

Jenny Benois Pineau leads the "Explainable Deep learning/AI" workshop at the IEEE ICPR '2021 IAPR conference. In connection with LABRI's emerging project Explanable AI, the aim is to propose methods to "understand" and "explain" how these systems produce their decisions.

Developers must be able to successfully modify very complex systems. The aim is to help them better understand the evolution of a program.

Web and mobile platform for personal trip planning

Loïc Paulevé proposes to "reconcile qualitative, abstract and scalable modeling for biological networks".

FEDER funding of the LSD platform (Lab In The Sky with Data)

Jean-Rémy Falleri  is appointed junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, effective October 1, 2020, for a period of 5 years.

Because of the health situation, the Robocup 2020, which was due to take place in Bordeaux, was postponed until June 2023.

The 2021 edition will only be held in 100% virtual format before the 2022 edition, scheduled in Thailand.

The Academy of Sciences elected 18 new members. Among them, in the mathematics section, Mireille Bousquet-Mélou (CNRS silver medal) is distinguished.



During the GT (Groupe de Travail) of the NES team, Victor-Manuel Afonso Marques will present a seminar on his work: “From the ‘factory’ to the ‘logistics’ of data. An entry through the economic networks of digital networks.”

Session open to all.

Publications, theses, contracts and patents

The LaBRI contributes to the development of national and international research through various activities.


Combinatorics and Algorithms, Image and Sound, Formal Methods, Bioinformatics, Dataviz, Networks, Systems, etc.

Training through research

General information, news, legislation and thesis topics from previous years

Industrial collaborations

Contracts, European projects, milestones, partnership relations.

The LaBRI in numbers


teachers researchers




researcher support (ITA/BIATS)


PhD students/post-doctoral students

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